Traiteurs Aix-en-Provence

Cooking Classes in Provence

Traiteurs Aix-en-Provence
Check Cooking Class Availability

58 Rue des Cordeliers
13100  Aix-en-Provence
06 65 24 49 07


Private cooking, baking, and pastry class lessons in Provence, France and nearby cities by Chef Clément. This on-demand service offers in-home cooking classes. Chef Clément was classically trained for five years at the prestigious Marseille cooking school and has been offering these in-house cooking courses since 2012. This is one-day training along with food in the privacy of your own residence. It's very similar to having a private chef except you get to learn how to prepare what is being cooked so you can continue to recreate the dish for your family whenever you want. More than just a meal, Cooking Classes in Provence is a culinary experience. The French call it cours de cuisine (cooking lessons).


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0665244907 06-65-24-49-07 +33665244907

Map 58 Rue des Cordeliers

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